Zenith Infotech
Extensive track record of successful placements

Extensive track record of successful placements

With an extensive track record, we’ve placed thousands of IT professionals across fields like software development, cybersecurity, and data analytics, partnering with startups, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies to meet their staffing and strategic goals.

Tailored solutions for diverse needs

Tailored solutions for diverse needs

We provide tailored IT manpower solutions to meet each client’s unique needs, from contract staffing and permanent placements to project-specific teams. Our flexibility and quick adaptation to market demands ensure clients get the precise support they need.

Continuous improvement and innovation

Continuous improvement and innovation

We continually invest in improvement and innovation to stay at the forefront of IT manpower services. By staying current with industry trends, technology, and best practices, we ensure our services remain effective in the evolving IT landscape.

Comprehensive IT manpower services

Our services can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client, whether they are large enterprises, small businesses, or startups, operating in various industries and sectors.

Learn more about our services
  • Contract Hiring

    Contract Hiring

  • Permanent Placements

    Permanent Placements

  • Project Outsourcing

    Project Outsourcing

  • Consulting Services

    Consulting Services

  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing

    Recruitment Process Outsourcing

  • Staff Augmentation

    Staff Augmentation

  • Specialized Skill Acquisition

    Specialized Skill Acquisition

  • Candidate Screening and Evaluation

    Candidate Screening and Evaluation

  • Training and Development

    Training and Development

Trusted by our broad spectrum of clients

We take great pride in the diverse range of clients we serve. Their success is our success, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their IT workforce goals.


Years of Legacy


Fast Response Rate




Skilled Professionals


Zenith Infotech (S) Pte Ltd.
111 North Bridge Road
#16-01, Peninsula Plaza
Singapore 179098


Zenith Infotech Services Sdn Bhd.
Suite 20E, Level 20, East Wing,
Akademi Etiqa, 23 Jalan Melaka
50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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